Friday, February 15, 2008

Groundhog day Scandal continues...

The cover-up and stonewalling continues…

I just received a most unsatisfying e-mail from Michele Neal, the “Groundhog Day Events Coordinator”. A call to her phone number yielded this organization:
Pa Great During the rest of the year, Neal shills for the Punxsutawney Area Chamber of Commerce.

The questions continue:
· Why didn’t some 30,000 people, many of whom were sober, see their shadow?
· Was the only sunlight in Western Pa. shining at Phil like a laser beam?
· Did the skiing and/or road plowing industry buy off Phil?
· Will this additional winter weather have a positive effect on global warming?
· Why can’t the Punx Chamber afford a grammar checker for their responses?
· Why can’t I get a reply from Rep. John Peterson (R-PA) “Proudly Representing the 5th District of Pennsylvania”?

Here’s the official response:

Mr. Style,
According to our records Phil actually made his prediction at 7:28 am so the sun had risen and even though it may have been slightly overcast he apparently say a beam of sunlight that cast a shadow upon him. Who are we to be doubters when it seems that his prediction is an accurate one.

Michele Neal
Groundhog Day Events Coordinator
(814)938-7700, ext. 3

The initial inquiry:

-----Original Message-----
From: http daemon []
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Inquiry

Although the skies were obviously overcast, Punxsutawney Phil didn't seem to notice. President B Cooper announced that the rodent had seen his shadow.
There wasn't a shadow within 100 miles. There was no groundhog shadow for two compelling reasons:
1. The skies were overcast, with snow in the air.
2. More importantly, the sun hadn't even come up yet.
a. The official reached in and grabbed the world-famous rodent at precisely 7:25AM, a full minute before the sunrise (according to the USNO, Sunrise was at 7:26 a.m.)
b. Don't think that I made an error looking at my watch. I keep very accurate time.

Those facts notwithstanding, the media spread this false truth throughout the world.
I'm calling for a congressional investigation into this scandal. If a fine citizen like Roger Clemens has to undergo the scrutiny of a congressional sub-committee, then the 'Inner Circle' should also be brought to bear.
The 'Main Stream Media' was well represented at Gobbler’s Knob. The TV and print reporters improperly spread the word, and reported it without a shred of research, fact checking or skepticism. The only slightly skeptical media outlet was from Pittsburgh's Channel 11, which reported, "Despite low clouds, fog and freezing Drizzle the nation's first prognosticating groundhog saw his shadow."
Please don't tell me that the television lights confused the groundhog. If that were the case, every prediction would be a prolonged winter. I'm sure a media savvy rodent like Phil would not be so distracted that he misinterpreted those lights for sunshine.
I would like an official response before I call for a congressional review.


Mr. D. E. Style
Summit NJ, 07901

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